How soft is the black when it falls? It falls in silence and yet it is deafening to those who don't care. Deafening because i'm tired of hearing of another life silenced. The silence of a life. Erased. the cries of those who mourn is deafening but i try to find my silence. I create this silence by not speaking and yet my mind is alarmed by conscious with a deafening tone.
The silence of a baby. His heart is a deafening pound in his mother. Silencing another life or making the world deaf with another cry for help. The silence of a woman. Her wounds are deafening but her man stands in silence. Go to prison where voices are silenced. But the prison population is deafening
Life is silenced. It falls by a blackness that carries a deafining tone. Life is soft, its precious. As it rises who knows when it's fall will come. as the silence comes life tries to make a deafining tone to show how soft it is. no one cares. Life's Deafining voice is silenced. Death
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